Rats are being trained to be sent into earthquake debris wearing tiny backpacks - so rescue teams can talk to survivors. (Matthew Newby/Zenger)

Rescue Rats – Trained Rats To Be Sent Into Earthquake Debris Wearing Tiny Backpacks With Microphones

The innovative project is being worked on by research scientist Dr. Donna Kean, 33, from Glasgow, in the UK.
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A silk panel commissioned to hang in Westminster Abbey for Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation in 1953 has sold for four times its estimate. (Matthew Newby/Zenger)
Arts & Culture

Sold: A Silk Panel Which Hung During The Queen’s Coronation Ceremony Went For $2,500 At Auction

The special silk was hung alongside other historical panels, setting the scene for the special ceremony.
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An adorable three-year-old girl delighted OAPs by dressing as a 'mini-queen' and paying 'royal' visits to care homes. (Douglas Whitbread/Zenger)

Teenie Queenie – An Adorable Three-Year-Old Girl Dressing As A ‘Mini-Queen’ Visits Care Homes

On Monday, May 23, the little queen got the chance to visit Queen Elizabeth’s royal residence in London.
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